New FOODDUCK® mobile devices make lunch queues smoother
The Kauhajoki school canteen serves lunch for 650–700 pupils and staff members daily. Earlier, the time that people took to spread margarine on their slices of bread significantly increased the time people spent queuing at the food counters. The lines divide to two different bread buffet counters, which from time to time were both crowded. The situation has now remarkably changed thanks to the new FOODDUCK® mobile spread dispensers.
“I heard about this new device from my friend who was already using FOODDUCK®. She told me how easy it was to use and recommended it. She told me that the whole process of queuing for and serving lunch became a lot smoother immediately after starting to use the device. People didn’t stop at the counter to spread margarine on their slices of bread but continued to their own seat to do that. This made me to think that we should also get one,” explains Riikka Mäntynen, manager of the Kauhajoki school canteen.
The team at the Kauhajoki school kitchen now has time to do other things than changing spread cases in the lunch serving, which makes them very happy. Riikka notes that feedback on the new device has been entirely positive, and pupils have, for instance, taken lots of photos of the Duck. It has thus brought joy to their school days.
The new device always takes some getting used to. However, in addition to its small size, Riikka is especially keen on the ease of use of FOODDUCK® mobile. “It is just the right size for our premises and very easy for our customers to use. Put your slice of bread under the nozzle and you’ll have the spread on the slice”, Riikka summarizes.
The Kauhajoki school is very interested in supporting sustainability, which can be seen in their everyday choices. Food Services Manager Terttu Majamäki says that they strive to cut down the amount of food and packaging waste, and using FOODDUCK® mobile in their large main canteen is an excellent example of this.
”We aim at taking the principles of sustainability in both planning and implementation. We guide our customers through our actions and by organizing for instance weekly campaigns on the topic.”
Terttu Majamäki, Food Service Manager
“In addition, we create significantly less waste. Earlier, we used 8–10 spread cases a day and now we use three bag packages that FOODDUCK® spread dispenser uses. On a day when we have bread rolls we see this even more clearly: earlier some 20 cases of spread were consumed while now 6 bags are needed.”
Riikka recommends the spread dispenser for all kitchen professionals who are considering having it. “There is no question about it – the spread dispenser is worth using, especially in bigger restaurants. In addition, it’s a particular benefit for me that people with gluten free diet can safely use it.”